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Agents Table"

There are a number of studies on life insurance agents involvement in the life settlements industry the conclusion is that agents and financial professional want more information and education on life settlements market (see below a 2007 study by agent media which found that 89% of agents where interested in getting continuing education on life settlements.)

After seeing these results and after hearing from our agents we decided to add the AGENT TABLE SECTION to our website. This section is designed for agents or financial professionals only. In the agents table you will be able to find the latest information about the life settlement industry, the latest news, in depth expert and legal analysis on a whole host of issues relating to life settlements, legislation, and compliance.

We also have a special service where you can ask your question on issues relating to life settlements, whether you are an agent new to life settlements and want to find out basic information, or you are familiar with life settlements but have a complicated question, or just need an opinion if a case will qualify for life settlements, you just click on the tab ASK AN EXPERT (after login) and you can ask your question, and we will get back with an answer usually with in 12-24 hrs.

Please login with your name and phone number or email address to login to the full AGENTS TABLE:



244 5th Avenue Suite #2450
New York, NY 10001
T. 212.710.5608
